Monday, May 9, 2011

small update, more to come this weekend

Hey Guys,

I wanted you all to know God has been moving mightily in my life this past month in many ways. I have a relationship with God that only consists of spending intimate time with Him. For so long, I would base my relationship with God based upon life circumstances, and that is just wrong. Ive spent a lot of time in James 1, this past month. Ive had to get an iv, do to dehydration, Ive had to get a tooth pulled, Ive had major stomach issues, I almost fell off a 20 ft scaffolding, and many other little things that Satan has tried to mess me up with. Consider it pure joy my brothers when trials come your way... I love it, well sometimes. I have learned that I need to watch my tongue, Ive learned how powerful the tongue can be and its intense. With the help of God I can tame the tongue and have it used for Gods glory and nothing else. I also know that my relationship with God has improved by how I view our relationship. I view God as Abba Father, like in Romans 8. I know God cant love me more than the day I was born. That I can do nothing for His love, but to just accept and dwell in it. I have a spirit of sonship now, or I understand it and recognize it like it says in Romans 8. I also was blessed to get a glimpse of how God views me. I am beautiful. Yes Isaid it, I am beautiful. Maybe not in the worlds standards, but I have taken myself out of societies characteristics of success and replaced them with the word of God. Its amazing. I dont need people, or places, or anything to make me feel better about myself. I need Jesus Christ and thats it. God has been moving mightily in my life since Ive been here, and it has been intense for a while. I realize its all for the Glory of God, because He has been molding and shaping me more than I have ever dreamed of. I go on the major outreach in two weeks, and I plan on giving as many updates as I can. I slacked a little bit, but I realize I need to inform you guys on whats going on. I have been used by God to pray for people, to preach to women in prison, to do mighty things and I am so blessed. The major thing though, besides God using me, is how much change Ive gone through since Ive been here. To think of how much I have changed since February is amazing. To think of how much I have changed in the past three years is just incredible. To think of what God and I are going to be doing in three years from now is just incredible. I dont know what that looks like right now, and Im not that stressed out about it. I know I have an intense relationship with my Father in heaven and thats all I need right now. Thank you to all who have supported me in prayer and everything else. I will give a better detailed update this weekend, thanks again and Blessings to you all!!!

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